Thursday, June 28, 2007


When you tried to tell me
baseball was a metaphor

for life: the long, dusty travail
around the bases, for instance,

to try to go home again;
the Sacrifice for which you win

approval but not applause;
the way the light closes down

in the last days of the season--
I didn't believe you.

It's just a way of passing
the time, I said.

And you said: that's it.

--Linda Pastan


ORION said...

I have to say I adore this piece!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog - Your blog will be a fun one to peruse!

astairesteps said...


Thanks for visiting! I'm glad you liked the blog and christened it with its first comment.

Anonymous said...

wht does the "the way the light closes down" part mean?